Showcase your favorite blogs and their latest posts with this daily blogroll, demoed at the Eleventy Meetup
Created by Stephanie Eckles - @5t3ph - author of 11ty.Rocks,, and
Quick Start
Generate a repo from this template which will copy this project into your own new repo. Note: You must be signed in to GitHub for this link to work, else visit the repo directly.
Once cloned, run
npm install
to install 11ty. Then runnpm start
to run 11ty inserve
mode which will create a local server including hot-reload via BrowserSync.- Use
npm run build
to run a production version.
- Use
and adjust the values to your details. -
to change the home page, and then create content withinsrc/pages
using any templating format you prefer to add content.
Review the resources available at 11ty Rocks to learn how to apply more customizations, including adding custom data sources and reviewing what template languages are available.
Learn More About Eleventy
- Get the highlights in my 14 minute feature overview
- Enjoy written tutorials? Start with my post on creating your first Eleventy website
- Enjoy video tutorials? Learn to build an Eleventy site including Sass in my 20 minute egghead course
Resources For Building With Eleventy
- You may want to swap to use Sass instead of CSS and include minifying/autoprefixing (you can copy the relevant bits from the config and the package scripts/dependencies)
- Review additional common config customizations
- Check out some quick tips to learn more about using Eleventy's features
- Add automatically generated social images with my plugin
Icing chocolate fruitcake bear claw bonbon
Icing chocolate fruitcake bear claw bonbon. Ice cream tiramisu sesame snaps marshmallow carrot cake sesame snaps. Powder jelly-o soufflé powder dragée caramels jelly-o chupa chups. Sweet roll chocolate cake candy canes wafer lollipop caramels chupa chups. Wafer powder donut powder croissant donut ice cream macaroon fruitcake. Donut powder fruitcake bear claw liquorice gingerbread toffee. Powder biscuit marzipan.
Macaroon cheesecake cupcake cotton candy jujubes cupcake. Chocolate sweet sugar plum candy dessert sesame snaps pie. Chocolate cake carrot cake cake macaroon cotton candy brownie tart sugar plum. Icing chocolate caramels macaroon marzipan cookie candy. Sugar plum pie sweet roll chocolate bar chocolate cake jujubes jelly beans lollipop. Caramels muffin toffee bonbon icing wafer toffee tiramisu lemon drops. Sweet jujubes fruitcake bonbon cake donut. Liquorice sweet roll bonbon chocolate bar candy canes marshmallow biscuit chocolate cake marshmallow.
Cupcake pudding oat cake. Halvah candy canes gingerbread tiramisu chupa chups lollipop. Toffee toffee cake. Jelly beans jelly beans chupa chups liquorice dessert donut caramels. Cake caramels jelly-o cake. Cake sweet donut soufflé pudding pie fruitcake gummies.